Income Tax Deadline! Last 3 weeks to invest in tax saving instruments to claim tax deduction, check details | Mint

With financial year 2024-25 soon coming to an end, only three weeks are remaining before the taxpayers can invest in the tax-saving instruments such as PPF, NSC, KVP, SSY and SCSS.  Taxpayers who wish to claim income tax deduction must invest in these instruments before March 31. Where can taxpayers invest to claim income tax … Read more

FDs Vs Small Savings Schemes: Where should you invest and why? | Mint

If you are contemplating investing in either fixed deposit (FD) or a small savings scheme, then it is advisable to compare their returns along with other benefits they offer. Typically, a fixed deposit (FD) offers anywhere between 6.7 to 7 percent per annum to depositors whereas other tax saving schemes offer slightly higher. For instance, … Read more