Mutual funds vs portfolio management services: What’s right for you?

By the end of 2024, the mutual fund industry had assets under management (AUM) of ₹66.9 trillion, while the PMS industry had a combined AUM of ₹37.1 trillion. The market regulator allows more flexibility to PMS fund managers totake aggressive bets with their clients’ portfolios, potenially delivering higher returns than mutual funds which operate under … Read more

All about Sebi’s new mutual fund category for high-risk investors

What sets them apart, and how do they stack up against existing investment options? Here’s a deep dive into everything you need to know. What are SIFs? SIFs are specialized investment funds. They are high-risk, high-return versions of traditional mutual funds. An SIF will have a minimum ticket size of ₹10 lakh across all SIFs. … Read more