How will my property sale be taxed after I relocate to India? | Mint

I have worked outside India for 12 years but I will be relocating back to India in April for a better employment opportunity at an MNC. I have one residential property in India from 2010 which I will sell and instead purchase a bigger one after I return. Approximately how much tax will be there … Read more

Transferring PPF maturity funds? Know the tax implications before you do | Mint

My wife’s PPF will mature in April. She wants to transfer ₹23 lakh to my senior citizen savings account and balance ₹7 lakh to our daughter. What will be the tax position implications for all of us? As from April, interest will be earned in my name. I should and will be liable to pay … Read more

New Income Tax Bill: Is this an old wine in a new bottle? Experts say this… | Mint

Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Feb 13 tabled the new Income Tax Bill in the Parliament. This was a landmark move as the entire 64-year-old income tax law was overhauled and the older complex provisions were made simpler and lucid amid much fanfare. One of the key arguments given by the Finance Minister was … Read more